The Blogger 411


Hey all!

I’m Lauren, and I study sport media at Ryerson University. So obviously, I have a love of sports. Duh. I watch hockey at all levels (junior, minor league, NHL, NCAA, and international leagues as well). If you’re interested in checking out my hockey blog, here’s a link: firewagonhockey.

I’m a competitive dancer, foodie, lacto-ovo-pescatarian, Nestea addict, and perpetually clumsy and accident-prone (for perspective, I gave myself a second-degree groin tear in my sleep – not sure what I was doing and I don’t really want to know either). I enjoy the punk-rock, alternative, and heavy metal genres of music (yes, appearances are extremely deceiving in my case). If you make me listen to anything on the radio, you might live to regret that. (Kidding. Mostly.) I’m also super sarcastic, and if you get to know me really well you’ll find that I really don’t have a filter. I plan on keeping this blog as PG as possible, though. Well, as PG as I can possibly make it. 

I’m not a particularly interesting person to begin with, I’m short, I like sports, and I hurt myself a lot. That’s basically it. I was born in Toronto and grew up in Richmond Hill (also not that interesting) and, as I write this, am seriously contemplating renting crutches from the pharmacy down the street (I sprained my ankle halfway through Frosh when I fell off a curb and landed in the middle of the road).

This blog will primarily be personal and dedicated to one of my classes. I sincerely hope I haven’t bored you to death yet. I’m looking forward to the rest of the semester.

Twitter: @laurkelly24 (Don’t follow me unless you want me to crowd your timeline with hockey Tweets, you’ll just end up hating me after a while.)

See you around. – Laur